Can You Eat Artichoke Raw?

Artichokes are edible buds of a plant called cardoon or artichoke-thistle native to the Mediterranean region.
These buds are versatile vegetables packed with many nutrients.
A cluster of many tiny flowers forms the blossoming artichoke flower head. The structure becomes rough and inedible as the buds open.
Artichokes are commonly known as French or globe artichokes. However, the globe artichoke is frequently confused with the Jerusalem artichoke, a separate species.
A hundred grams of artichokes have 10.1g of carbohydrates, of which 5.4g are from dietary fiber.
Aside from providing 3.3g of proteins per 100g, artichokes are also rich sources of vitamin C, K, folate, copper, potassium, and magnesium.
Artichokes are a significant component of Mediterranean cuisine.
The green petals, stem core, and artichoke heart are the plant’s edible parts. Depending on your preferences, you can eat artichokes in several ways.
Eating raw artichokes can have a plethora of health benefits. Keep reading to find out what is the best way to consume raw artichokes.
Can You Eat Raw Artichoke Hearts
The most common way of adding artichokes to the diet is by cooking (braising, boiling, and frying) them. You can eat these raw as well.
Eating raw artichokes is preferable to eating cooked artichokes. Raw artichokes have a bitter taste similar to Brussels sprouts and asparagus.
Pick artichokes that feel hefty for their size to eat them raw. They will have soft leaves that are easier to consume.
You can also eat the leaves and the artichoke heart separately, as per your preference.
Use these as the ingredients of salad with the dressing of your choice. Lemon juice, olive oil, and a seasoning of salt and pepper go well with the artichoke hearts.
Since sliced artichokes turn brown quickly, it is best to make the dressing beforehand.
After chopping the raw, sliced artichokes, mix it all (heart and leaves).
Benefits of Eating Raw Artichoke
The medicinal and therapeutic qualities of artichokes make them a functional food.
The rich antioxidant and phytochemical profile of artichokes make them an exceptional choice for many conditions.
Gastro-biliary Disorders
Artichoke leaves have cynarin, a phytochemical, involved in alleviating gastro-biliary disorders. Cynarin also has cholesterol-lowering properties.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Luteolin is a flavonoid present in artichokes. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
These properties make artichokes an excellent choice for people who have rheumatic diseases.
The presence of luteolin may also promote weight loss in obese patients.
Hepato-protective Properties
People with liver disorders can also benefit from artichokes.
Phytochemicals present in artichokes prevent damage to liver cells. These active components work by reducing oxidative stress in the body.
Cancer Protection
Many types of research have shown that the active components of artichokes have potent anti-cancer properties.
As per a study, artichoke phytochemicals induced apoptosis in cancer cells and stopped metastasis (cancer spreading to other parts).
Not just these, artichokes also have inulin in them. Inulin is a soluble dietary fiber that acts as a prebiotic.
Prebiotics are food for healthy gut bacteria.
These bacteria maintain the balance of gut flora and prevent gastrointestinal issues.
Regulating Blood Sugar Levels
The bioactive components of artichokes have anti-hyperglycemic properties. These antioxidants can help in regulating blood sugar levels.
Nutrients Bioavailability
Many nutrients present in artichokes, especially water-soluble vitamins, get destroyed by heat. Cooking can decrease the nutritional density of artichokes.
If you want to get the health benefits of artichokes, it is best to eat them raw.
Side Effects of Eating Raw Artichoke
While eating an artichoke raw has many potential benefits, there can be some downsides too.
Oral Allergy Syndrome
People with oral allergy syndrome can have a severe reaction to eating artichokes. Pollen allergies are the main reason for these effects.
If similar pollen is present in artichokes, an allergic reaction can occur.
Digestive Issues
Eating raw artichokes can cause severe digestive issues. Artichokes have a lot of fiber, which can cause bloating and flatulence.
Large pieces of leaves can get stuck in the digestive tract leading to abdominal spasms and discomfort.
People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome need to avoid raw artichokes.
Artichokes are rich in fructans which makes them high FODMAP. A flare-up of symptoms can occur, and a person may end up hospitalized.
How to Find the Right Artichoke
Artichokes come in different sizes and colors. They may be green or purple based on the type. The prices of artichokes can vary depending on their size.
The heavier artichokes are the pricier ones. Fall and spring are the main reasons for artichokes. You will be likely to get fresh artichokes in these seasons.
For finding ripe artichokes, make sure you get those with tightly closed leaves. Tight and firm leaves can be a sign of a ripe artichoke.
Avoid dry stems and slimy heads. You can determine the freshness of artichokes by these.
Look for heavier artichokes unless you are planning to eat baby artichokes.
How to Eat a Raw Artichoke
The heart and fleshy base of petals is an edible portion of the artichoke. Remove the leaves from the head and separate the flesh from the petals.
You can dip it in whichever sauce you like. As you remove the petals, you will notice thinner, flimsier petals with some flesh.
Scoop out the thistly section to get to the heart. This part is called the choke.
The artichoke heart has a delicate texture and a bitter flavor. Some people may also get a hint of sweetness.
The Final Word
Artichokes are a high-nutritional-value, low-carbohydrate food with various health benefits. This vegetable also possesses potent antioxidant qualities, a plethora of inulin fiber, and many additional nutrients.
Including artichokes in the diet may promote digestive and liver health, healthy blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
To boost the bioavailability of their nutrients, you can eat them raw.
Some people may have unfavorable side effects, bloating and flatulence after consuming raw artichokes.
People can benefit from the many therapeutic properties of artichokes by eating them in moderation.
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